Travel QuestionsCategory: MoroccoWhat are things to do in meknes at night?
Ivan asked 1 month ago

Hi! I’ll be visiting Meknes soon and I’m looking for recommendations on things to do in the city at night. Any suggestions? Thanks!

1 Answers
Best Answer
khalid Staff answered 1 month ago

Things to do in Meknes at Night


Meknes is more laid-back when it comes to nightlife, so it’s not the best spot for late-night partying like Marrakech. However, you can still enjoy a quiet evening by strolling through the medina, visiting Place el-Hedim, or sipping mint tea at a café with a rooftop view. If you’re looking for a more cultural experience, the Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail is beautiful at night. For a lively nightlife scene, Marrakech would be a better bet!

Enjoy your trip!

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