Enjoy the incredible diversity of Moroccan recipes

Moroccan cuisine is considered to be a delightful experience for a variety of reasons. Moroccan recipes have influences of different cuisines which primarily include Berbers, Arab, Middle Eastern, Jewish, and the Mediterranean. The Moroccan recipes have been perfected for centuries by the royal cooks in the cities of Marrakech and Rabat. Morocco has been in the middle of several civilizations. This has had a significant impact on Moroccan food as well. We can call it a blended cosine which carries various flavors. For example, when the political refugees moved from Iraq during the Middle Ages and settled in Morocco, they brought with them the art of cooking certain fruits with meat. This in time became one of the traditional Moroccan recipes. Olives, Figs, and Dates are a staple of Moroccan recipes.

The Moroccan spices are known for their taste the world over. Long after you are done with the food, the taste still lingers in your mouth. That’s nothing but the magic of Moroccan spices. Ginger, saffron, cumin, cinnamon are all used liberally in Moroccan recipes. Moroccans are fond of eating bread with olive oil and tea. One can also find different types of crepes in Moroccan recipes. Bread or khubz is considered to be sacred in Morocco. Cooked and raw salads are also a part of the daily meal. Cooked salads are a combination of various vegetables and spices cooked together in a pan.

The most popular Moroccan recipe is of Tagine. It has originated from the Berbers. It typically includes meat, chicken, fish or vegetables. Some of it is even made with meat and fruits. It is cooked in a conical clay pot placed over hot coal. Another popular Moroccan recipe is Couscous, which is made of semolina and then topped with meat and vegetables. The traditional Moroccan recipe demands it to be made with seven different vegetables. Pastilla is an Andalusian dish that was brought into Morocco by the Moors. However, many Moroccans claim was “perfected” in Fez. It is a large pastry that has chicken or pigeon stuffing, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. It brings out the sweet and savory taste to perfection.

No meal is complete without dessert and Moroccan recipes offer many tasteful options. Moroccans also prefer to eat fruit for dessert. Cream-filled pastries often accompany different teas. Tea and pastry combo is often used to welcome guests. Almond paste filled Moroccan pastries make for a wonderful snack in between meals as well. The beauty of Moroccan recipes lies in their diversity which has been perfected by its people for over a period of time.

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