
Why a 4-Day Marrakech Desert Trip Beats a Three-Day Escape

A four-day desert trip from Marrakech offers more than just extra time under the sun; it gifts you the luxury of immersion. The vast expanses of the Sahara stretch beyond the horizon, offering stunning landscapes that change from dawn to dusk. With an additional day, you’re not just observing the desert, you’re becoming a part […]

Guide to Parking in Ghent

Guide to Parking in Ghent: Navigating the City

Ghent is known for its vibrant history and cultural richness. Just like every big city in the world, Ghent presents also a complex maze of parking zones that can perplex. Whether you’re planning a short visit to admire the famous artworks in the Sint-Baafskathedraal or Grasslei, understanding the parking system in Ghent will save you time and […]

Can I Wear Jeans in Marrakech?

Can I Wear Jeans in Marrakech?

Absolutely, jeans are fine to wear in Marrakech, particularly in the city’s more contemporary districts. However, it’s a good idea to opt for relaxed-fitting jeans and pair them with tops that are on the modest side to honor the local customs. Carrying a scarf can also be useful for a bit of extra coverage when needed. To truly embrace the spirit of your surroundings, why not try incorporating some traditional Moroccan attire like kaftans into your wardrobe? This can enhance your connection to the culture and enrich your overall experience.