How to get Essaouira from Marrakech by bus?
How to get Essaouira from Marrakech by bus?
Traveling by bus from Marrakech to Essaouira is the cheapest and a great way to get there. You've got a couple of good options for bus companies, like CTM and Supratours. They both run frequent trips along this route. You can grab your tickets at the station or online through their websites. The price of the bus is between 100DH and 120DH.
The ride itself takes about 3 hours, but keep in mind that it can vary a bit depending on things like traffic. The buses are usually pretty comfy, and you'll get to enjoy some beautiful views of Morocco along the way. They run several times a day, so it's a good idea to check the schedule beforehand to pick the best time for your trip.
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